6 Signs You Need to Re-evaluate Your Lift Truck Power

A practical and powerful lift truck can improve your company’s operational efficiency, which in turn boosts revenue.

6 Signs You Need to Re-evaluate Your Lift Truck Power

The Link Between Lift Truck Power and Operational Efficiency

Several factors indicate whether your current lift truck power is a practical choice or if your company would benefit from a lift truck power upgrade. Here are six tell-tale signs that your operation might need to rethink its power strategy.


  1. Substandard Productivity
    Companies often build and balance lift truck fleets to meet operational goals. However, a new power source may be necessary if the output doesn't meet functional requirements. When a battery's productivity declines, it can no longer work to its full potential once it reaches 50% depletion, limiting operations to half its capacity. This can lead to both productivity loss and costly non-productive activities.

  2. Excessive Power Source Inventory
    It is imperative to your operational performance to have equipment that covers your demand and to ensure you are not left with idle lift trucks due to insufficient power sources. If you recognize that your operational balance is off and your lift trucks require two or more power sources, it may be time to weigh out alternative power-lift options.

  3. Insufficient Space
    Commercial and warehouse space is costly on top of most companies' significant overhead. Several types of power lifts require specialized infrastructure that takes up precious space in your facility that could be used for more valuable operational needs. Reviewing alternative lift truck power may allow you to reclaim some areas you’ve been lacking.

  4. Declining Labor Efficiency
    When frequent breaks halt operations for battery maintenance, equipment charging, or replacement, labor productivity begins to decline. If your power lift truck is causing you to lose labor efficiency, it may be time to look into power source alternatives that permit faster charging times.

  5. Premature Failures or Equipment Rentals
    To get the total value from the warrantied cycles of a lead-acid battery, equipment must be charged to full battery; if not, it becomes a cycle risk, forcing the machine to work harder. Cycle risks reduce battery longevity and capacity, eventually leading to premature failure. To accommodate fleet limitations, certain companies will rent additional forklifts, which results in additional expenditure.

  6. Emerging Regulations for Emissions and Hygiene
    The goal is to have access to a powerful machine that boosts the efficiency of your company while respecting and remaining aware of legislative changes that, if neglected, result in fines and sanctions. For businesses that handle food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals, there is the added stress of utilizing equipment that conforms to the strict hygiene standards that your company must follow.


Where to Go From Here

To determine whether it’s time to switch out your lift truck power sources, it is critical to analyze your current operational value, productivity, fleet requirements, and competitive pressures. The fleet experts at Ring Power Lift Trucks are here to guide you through this process. Contact us today to discuss our robust and diverse power source alternatives!


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